
Example script classifying some spectra from the Open Supernova Catalog and some from OzDES ATEL9570:

This example automatically classifies 4 spectra. The last line plots the second spectrum on the GUI.

import astrodash

example = [
    ('osc-sn2002er-10', 0.0),
    ('osc-sn2013fs-8', 0.0),
    ('DES16C3bq_C3_combined_160925_v10_b00.dat', 0.237),
    ('DES16E2aoh_E2_combined_160925_v10_b00.dat', 0.403)]

# Create filenames and knownRedshifts lists
filenames = [i[0] for i in example]
knownRedshifts = [i[1] for i in example]

# Classify all spectra
classification = astrodash.Classify(filenames, knownRedshifts, classifyHost=False, knownZ=True, smooth=6)
bestFits, redshifts, bestTypes, rlapFlag, matchesFlag = classification.list_best_matches(n=5, saveFilename='example_best_fits.txt')

# Plot sn2002ey from open supernova catalog (2nd spectrum)